What is a QME?
A Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) in California is a physician authorized by the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) Medical Unit to assess injured workers and create medical-legal reports that address contested medical issues in workers’ compensation cases. QMEs play a crucial role in the workers’ compensation system by offering impartial medical opinions that help determine the extent of an injured worker’s disability, the need for medical treatment, and other related issues.
How do you become a QME?
• Pass the QME Competency Examination
• Complete a 16-hour writing course
• Finalize the steps for QME appointment
When is the QME Competency Examination?
The QME exam is given twice a year, in October and April.
Let us help prepare you for the QME Exam. See our QME Test Prep page here.
QME Exam Prep
At Arrowhead Evaluation Services, we provide customized QME exam preparation. Our comprehensive educational program guides physicians through each step of the QME process. Once you pass the QME Competency Exam, we will schedule you for a Report-Writing Course that satisfies the DWC’s requirement and works with your schedule.
Let us help you navigate through the process. As we like to say at Arrowhead,
“You’ll never walk alone!”