Are you considering becoming a QME?

Doctor sitting at a desk looking at a laptop his hand is on his chin

Unsure of where to start?

At Arrowhead, we provide customized QME exam preparation. Our comprehensive educational program guides physicians through each step of the QME process. Once you pass the QME Competency Exam, we will schedule you for a Report-Writing Course that satisfies the DWC’s requirement and works with your schedule.

Let us help you navigate through the process. As we like to say at Arrowhead,

“You’ll never walk alone!”

Hands on a laptop keyword and mouse with the screen displaying the QME Competency Examination

California Qualified Medical Evaluation Services

Expedient and accurate claims administration is critical in today’s medical-legal environment.

Whether you need a Qualified Medical Evaluation (QME) by qualified medical examiners or an impartial opinion for the purpose of resolving injury disputes, we are your number one resource for all medical evaluation specialties.