Reliable Chiropractic IME Services
If you’re looking for a chiropractic independent medical evaluation, Arrowhead Evaluation Services has been providing California with the most trusted IME services for nearly 30 years. We have a panel of qualified, active chiropractors ready to assist you to resolve your case. We provide impartial, third-party expert medical opinions and reports about a patient’s chiropractic condition and how spinal disorders may impact their lives.
Extensive Chiropractic Experience
With over 30 years of experience, we’re able to provide reliable chiropractic IME services to provide accurate and factual information. Our comprehensive, narrative reports are available for review and can be provided with a short turnaround time.
Whether you need objective case analysis to determine if a case is worth pursuing or need rush medical expert testimony to resolve a chiropractic malpractice case, you can be assured that we provide credible medical opinions through hour chiropractic independent medical evaluation services.
Our expert witnesses include:
Contact Arrowhead Today
At Arrowhead Evaluation Services, we make your chiropractic independent medical evaluation process easy to schedule and manage. Our professional and friendly team is qualified to handle any medical liability questions you have. Get in touch with us at (888) 888-0098, or request an evaluation online. Find the best chiropractic IME solutions at Arrowhead today.