Fitness for Duty Evaluation
Experts You Can Count On
If you want to ascertain a worker’s fitness for duty or you’re interested in learning more about a client’s functional capacity for work, Arrowhead Evaluation Services is your leading source for fitness for duty evaluation in California. Our medical evaluation experts work with our carefully vetted expert witnesses to prepare comprehensive medical-legal reports to support your case.
Objective Fitness for Duty Assessments
With our experienced panel of fitness for duty medical experts specializing in assessing fitness for duty of psychiatric fitness, orthopedic injuries, internal medicine, rheumatology, ophthalmology, toxicology, and many others, we’re able to provide the most comprehensive and objective fitness for duty medical assessment reports and testimony that can be used to answer key questions about an employee’s physical ability to resume work.
When you want credible fitness for duty independent medical evaluations, we can provide you with the reliable fitness for duty evaluation you need to provide an accurate opinion about an employee’s ability to perform the demands of a given job.
Contact Arrowhead Today
As a leading provider of independent medical evaluations with over 30 years of experience, we have the expertise needed to answer complex questions in fitness for duty cases. We provide high-quality fitness for duty reports that are delivered with speed to ensure clients are at ease. Our customer-focused services are geared towards delivering convenience and reliability.
With a panel of over 80 physicians, spread over 78 medical assessment locations, we continue to be the most trusted source of medical experts, including fitness for duty evaluation. Give us a call at (888)888-5902 , contact us with any questions, or request an evaluation online.