David Desai, MD

Specialty: Psychiatry

Services: AME*, QME, SIBTF

Education: B.J. MEDICAL COLLEGE, Ahmadabad, India

Residency: King Drew University Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA

Board Certification: American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry

David Desai, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist.  With the idea of combining primary and behavioral care in a single medical practice, he established Desai Medical Group & Behavioral Health in 2021. His professional experience includes working in primary care settings, county mental health, director of psychiatry for inpatient units, as well as outpatient psychiatry clinics. Dr. Desai has a wide experience treating patients of all ages with complex psychiatric conditions including depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, ADHD, PTSD, anxiety disorders and autism spectrum disorders.

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