Edward Wieseltier, DO

Services: QME

Education: Medical School: Western University of Health Sciences, 2013

Residency: Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital, Chicago, IL

Internship: St. Petersburg General Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL

Dr. Wieseltier is a highly skilled and compassionate Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation specialist with a focus on occupational musculoskeletal injuries. With a passion for restoring function and improving the quality of life for patients, Dr. Wieseltier brings extensive expertise in evaluating and treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, from head to toe.

As a Certified Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME), Dr. Wieseltier plays a crucial role in disputed cases within the Workers’ Compensation system, providing thorough and impartial evaluations to facilitate resolution.

In the outpatient setting, Dr. Wieseltier provides comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. This includes prescribing therapeutic exercises, utilizing medically appropriate bracing, and coordinating additional treatments such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, and massage therapy.

With a focus on conservative management whenever possible, Dr. Wieseltier also performs a variety of procedures aimed at alleviating pain and promoting healing, including peripheral joint cortisone injections, tendon sheath cortisone injections, and trigger point injections. When necessary, Dr. Wieseltier ensures timely referrals to specialists for further evaluation and intervention.

Committed to excellence in patient care, Dr. Wieseltier also provides on-site case management, collaborating closely with patients, employers, and other healthcare professionals to facilitate optimal outcomes.

With a dedication to restoring function, alleviating pain, and promoting overall well-being, Dr. Wieseltier is a trusted advocate for individuals navigating the complexities of occupational musculoskeletal injuries.

As a QME, Dr. Wieseltier is committed to rendering his impartial professional opinion based in the medical evidence and and delivering timely reports.

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