Kerry Hannifin, PSYD

Specialty: Psychology

Services: IME, QME, SIBTF

Education: Doctor of Psychology Degree: Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA

Kerry A. Hannifin, Psy.D. in a licensed forensic and clinical psychologist.  Dr. Hannifin frequently provides forensic trainings, presentations, and consultation. In addition to her work at a state hospital, she also runs her own forensic private practice. In her practice, Dr. Hannifin serves as a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) and has worked with the Department of Industrial Relations to improve the quality of med-legal evaluations. Dr. Hannifin also conducts pre-trial diversion evaluations (Penal Code Section 1001.36) for the San Bernardino County Public Defender’s Office. She has also served as a court appointed evaluator for San Bernardino County on both the adult and juvenile panels.

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