Rommel Hindocha, DC
Specialty: Chiropractic
Education: Doctorates of Chiropractic: Life Chiropractic College West
Board Certification: US National Chiropractic Board Certified
Canadian National Board Certified
Dr. Hindocha is a dual US and CA board-certified chiropractic physician. In addition to being an actively practicing chiropractor, Dr. Hindocha performs numerous medicolegal evaluations each year. He is experienced in Almaraz / Guzman, Kite, and all forms of apportionment. Dr. Hindocha provides quality reports with attention to detail and analysis on issues requested to get the case settled promptly.
Dr. Hindocha is a highly trained, experienced chiropractor and is available to provide QME, AME, ADR and SIBTF evaluations in Central and Northern California.
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