Sepehr Nowfar, MD
Specialty: Urology
Education: Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA
Residency: General: LAMC Kaiser-Sunset Dept of Surgery, Los Angeles, CA - Urology: UCSD, Division of Urology, San Diego, CA
Dr. Sepehr Nowfar is a board-certified, distinguished medical professional and a visionary leader in the field of medicine. His commitment to excellence and unwavering dedication to patient care has earned him numerous accolades and positions of leadership in healthcare.
Dr. Nowfar is trained and experienced in providing crucial medicolegal opinions in areas such as Independent Medical Evaluation (IME), and personal injury cases. His insights and assessments have been instrumental in helping individuals navigate complex legal and medical challenges.
Dr. Nowfar is an excellent expert witness and is available for medicolegalevaluations throughout the state of California.
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