Head Trauma IME California

How severe is the injury, and what impact will it have on the life of the patient being examined? Our team of independent medical examiners provides an objective, expert opinion on the injury so that the court and legal team can make decisions based on accurate evidence. A head  trauma injury exam could be ordered by either party in a case; as a third party, we can perform a comprehensive examination and create a thorough and accurate report that is thoroughly objective.

Independent Medical Examiners

Our team of providers brings years of experience to the task and use a variety of medical, psychological and technological tools to provide an accurate assessment for your case. A head trauma IME California can be ordered for many different reasons and can be performed on behalf of either party in a case. Our experts provide unbiased reports that accurately reflect the patient’s injury, condition and expected outcome; we have no relation to any party in the case and can provide the court with a fully objective and detailed report.

Head Trauma IMEs can be used any time an injury is present; some common case types include:

  • Auto, motorcycle or truck accident cases
  • Disability insurance determinations
  • Duration of a claim
  • Workers compensation cases
  • Child custody cases
  • Personal injury cases

Benefits of Using our Services for Head Trauma IME California

Our ability to provide an objective opinion is just the beginning. Our skilled team of professional providers offer timely and accurate reports for your case; comprehensive head injury and brain injury reports are our specialty. When you use AES, you can expect:

  • Objective and accurate report with the details you need to present your case in court
  • Expedited appointments and rush reports available to meet your scheduling needs
  • Our providers are patient-centric and work hard to put the patient at ease during the process

We’re Here to Help

Our accurate and comprehensive head injury examinations and reports are designed to help you get an accurate and objective idea of the true extent of a patient’s injuries and expected outcome. If you need a head trauma IME California, we’re here for you. Our accurate and comprehensive third party exams and reports will help you resolve your dispute quickly and ensure that your client is treated fairly; contact us to learn how easy it is to find out the details you need for your case.

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