Memory Loss IME California

How do you measure memory loss – or tell if a patient is truly suffering or exaggerating  to receive benefits? Those are the questions that a Memory Loss IME is designed to answer. By using an objective third party to quantify memory loss, conduct testing and prepare a comprehensive an accurate report, you can get an idea of the extent of the damage – or if damage has occurred at all.

How severe is that injury, really, and what impact will it have on the life of the patient being examined? Our network of providers uses the latest in technology, psychology and innovation to determine the extent of memory loss and the likely end result after a trauma or to determine competency.

Memory Loss IME California

Our team of providers uses a variety of medical, psychological and technological tools to provide an accurate assessment for your case. Since we have no relation to the patient or to any party involved in the case, we can give a truly objective opinion for the court; one of the goals of a Memory Loss IME is to help the involved parties reach an agreement quickly based on an unbiased look at the facts.

Memory Loss IMEs can be used any time an injury is present; some common case types include:

  • Auto, motorcycle or truck accident cases resulting in head injuries
  • Disability insurance determinations
  • Sports injuries, including trauma from repeated concussion
  • Workers compensation cases
  • Child custody cases
  • Competency hearings
  • Chemical exposure cases

We’re Here to Help

Our accurate and comprehensive memory loss examinations and reports are designed to shine a light on an often difficult to quantify and understand medical situation. Our objective reports can be used in court and allow you to present your case with unbiased expert data.

If you need a professional, unbiased medical opinion in a Memory Loss IME California case, we can help. Contact us to learn about your options and to discover how fast and easy it is to get the information you need for your case or settlement.

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