Experienced Pain Management IME Experts

Want to pinpoint the source of a claimant’s pain? Need an independent medical opinion about a specific physical or neurological condition? Arrowhead Evaluation Services provides dependable pain management independent medical evaluation services to help resolve complex pain-related medical cases. Our qualified pain management specialists conduct a thorough medical history of a claimant in order to establish the cause of the pain.

Comprehensive and Unbiased IME Services

At AES, we know that complex medical issues like chronic pain can have a major impact on the outcome of a claimant’s case. That’s why we provide the most comprehensive and unbiased pain management IME services to determine the etiology, intensity and influence of chronic pain on a claimant’s day-to-day life.

Our medical assessments aim to answer your complex questions. In addition to providing impartial medical evaluations, we also provide you with credible and defensible medical reports that can be used in an injury settlement or court case.

Contact Arrowhead Today

Our experienced pain management specialists at Arrowhead Evaluation Services follow the latest medical best practices and knowledge to get a deeper insight into your claimant’s current state and prospects. Our pain management independent medical evaluation services are geared towards bringing a quick resolution to a medical dispute.

If you need fully objective pain management medical assessment for a client’s case, talk to our medical evaluation experts at AES by sending a message or calling us at (888) 888-5902.